CN ePortfolio

The BEST academic ePortfolio platform  on the market

CourseNetworking (CN) offers a  lifelong, social, and academic ePortfolio  to students, supporting them in documenting their learning experiences, creating their online branding, and networking with others through shared academic interests and skills.  The CN ePortfolio enables new opportunities for learning reflection, assessment, and career preparation. We collaborate with institutions around the world to integrate ePortfolio into their programs as a High Impact Practice to demonstrate and advance student success. 

The Values of CN ePortfolio

Enhance Learning: a transformative educational tool designed to enhance learning by empowering students to reflect on their growth and present academic accomplishments in a dynamic, digital format.

Personal Branding & Career Preparation: a powerful platform for personal storytelling. It convenes a compelling narrative about personal growth and career aspirations to prospective employers. Students, as lifelong owners of their CN ePortfolios, can easily create multiple versions of their ePortfolio, each customized for specific career opportunities.

Authentic Assessment: an innovative platform for authentic assessment at all levelsThe Institution Showcase Assessment feature facilitates a comprehensive evaluation of student learning outcomes, providing administrators with deep insights into learning outcomes and competency development.

AI-Powered ePortfolio Building and Personal Growth

Rumi is our AI-based personal learning agent that recommends tailored ePortfolio-building tips and connects users with relevant academic and professional networks. It also guides students in creating reflective Showcases and assists admins with ePortfolio-based assessments. 

Display your Visual Resume and Skills

Students can give potential employers a brief overview of their experiences and affiliations. They can also create skills that represent their abilities and use them to tag learning evidence throughout the ePortfolio.

Display collected learning evidence and achievements

Give your students badges they can use to show off their competencies. The ePortfolio also has numerous locations - like the documents section where students can display real evidence of their learning by adding papers, presentations, projects, and more.

Create custom showcases to display your work

Custom showcases allow students to expand and reflect on learning and experiences while adding documents, skills, and multi-media to bring their experiences to life.

ePortfolio-based Outcome Assessment  for Institutions

We give each licensing institution a dedicated admin portal to customize branding, features, and settings, including leveraging Institutional Showcases for ePortfolio-based outcome assessments.

We have what all other ePortfolio platforms offer but more…

CN ePortfolio is for everyone!

Solutions for Institutions

Ask about our branded institution gateway page today!

We also offer institutional licenses based on the number of users for an annual fee. Contact  to request more information.

Want to see what CN can do for your institution?

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