CN Stories

SEFI_Advancing Indiana's Science Education to Empower Future Scientists with CN ePortfolio

by CourseNetworking - May 9, 2024

My experience with CorusNetworking has always been top-notch in terms of assistance. They never have any downtime and are always available whenever I have a problem.

Vithyasree Sarawanan: Unveiling the Evolution of CN ePortfolio to a Dynamic Diary of Personal Development

by CourseNetworking - Apr 27, 2024

Test results and grades are just one aspect of the ePortfolio. The addition of talks, awards, and volunteer work demonstrates how academic knowledge is put to use in real-world situations. This gives me the chance to show not just what I've learned, but additionally how I've used it to acquire useful skills.

Transforming Conservation Biology Education: Sriyani Wickramasinghe's Journey with CourseNetworking

by CourseNetworking - Mar 27, 2024

Recognizing and appreciating students' achievements through the issuance of badges has proven to be a motivational strategy, encouraging others to strive for their goals. The incorporation of Anar Seeds and badges has successfully motivated students to actively participate.

Nishadi Liyanage - Driving Professional Growth and Transforming Teaching with CN ePortfolio

by CourseNetworking - Feb 20, 2024

The CN ePortfolio functions as a precisely structured digital archive for organizing our records. The "showcase" section, in particular, has proven invaluable for reflecting on both my teaching and research efforts.

Cure CMD: Harnessing the Power of CN Pathway LMS for Community-Led Research

by CourseNetworking - Feb 20, 2024

The CN team has been amazingly responsive and helpful - this team makes the product.

Vishnu - Empowering Faculty Collaboration and Growth: A Journey with CN ePortfolio & LMS

by CourseNetworking - Feb 20, 2024

The CN team has been instrumental in comprehending our requirements and delivering sound solutions

Lorain County JVS - Enhancing Student Professional Development and Future Readiness

by CourseNetworking - Jan 29, 2024

I could recommend this easily to other schools in our area. CourseNetworking is quick, efficient, and understands what we need to troubleshoot for students as problems pop up.

CCTE - Delivering A Highly Efficient and Sustainable Online Teacher Training Program

by CourseNetworking - Dec 13, 2023

The support has been wonderful and has always gone above and beyond to help me and the learners to understand not only what the issue was but also to provide a solution for the issue

ASSET: Empower Teachers through a Hybrid Certification Curriculum and ePortfolio

by CourseNetworking - Nov 6, 2023

From start to finish of the project implementation, I’ve felt very supported and folks have been VERY timely in responding, which is important in supporting 200 learners at a time.

Alexis Fernandez - Elevating Academic and Career Trajectory with CN ePortfolio

by CourseNetworking - Nov 1, 2023

The CN ePortfolio is valuable when seeking employment or when you want to showcase your expertise to business professionals.

University of Peradeniya - A Unique Approach to Develop Both Faculty and Students through ePortfolio

by CourseNetworking - Nov 1, 2023

We are happy about the CN support. In fact, we required a very minimum support to kick this off at our campus as we found a tool we were looking for. So, it was easy for us to take it forward.

Kate Brown- Crafting a Personalized ePortfolio and Embracing Individuality

by CourseNetworking - Oct 12, 2023

I prefer the CN ePortoflio because it's easier and more enjoyable to customize than other platforms.

Rachel Johnson - Harnessing the Power of CN ePortfolio for Academic and Professional Success

by CourseNetworking - Oct 12, 2023

I find that my ePortfolio is much more effective and interactive than merely a resume or academic reports.

Shahd Jaziri - Fostering Growth and Charting a Legal Career with CN ePortfolio

by CourseNetworking - Sep 12, 2023

The CN ePortfolio is a great way to showcase to employers what I have done throughout my collegiate career.

Institute for Diversity Certification - Seamless Online Learning and Certification Experience with CN Pathway LMS

by CourseNetworking - Aug 17, 2023

The return on investment with the CN has been impeccable. The exceptional quality of service provided by the CN has been invaluable.

Myra E. Kivett - Elevating Personal Branding with CN ePortfolio

by CourseNetworking - Aug 17, 2023

The ePortfolio allows me to reflect on my past experiences and showcase my honors projects as a student.

AI-Powered LMS: What it is and How Can You Get Into AI

by Reese Jones - Mar 17, 2023

Recent years have made it clear that artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming and shaping our lives. Multiple industries, including business, education, and healthcare, are tapping into the power of AI to speed up their processes and increase productivity...

Urban STEM Collaboratory CN Use Case

by Alice Zhao - December, 2022

Abstract: This case documents how the NSF-funded Urban STEM Collaboratory program at three urban universities has been using CourseNetworking (CN), an academic social networking platform, to connect their students and help them develop their STEM identities...

CN established a partnership with ProctorEdu to Conduct Credible Online Proctored Exams

by CourseNetworking - October 3, 2022

Due to Covid and the rise of remote learning, online quizzes and tests have become a regular part of students’ learning experience. This means teachers need a simple way ...

Dr. Ajith Rajapaksha Promotes Active Learning in Diverse Course Environments through the CN

by Alice Zhao - August 3, 2022

Physics professor Dr. Ajith Rajapaksha has been a long-time CN user. He started using CN in 2015 while he was an assistant professor at Purdue University. Back then, he was using ...

CyberLab Interns Presented on IUPUI OCIP 2022 Showcase

by CourseNetworking - June 17, 2022

IUPUI CyberLab is a research and entrepreneurship laboratory located on the campus of Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). The lab provides ...

IUPUI ePortfolio Symposium: What Students Value CN ePortfolio

by CourseNetworking - April 28, 2022

“Electronic Portfolios are no longer just a good idea, they are an expectation and a powerful element of college and career readiness for many.” –Emerging EdTech ...

Eswatini Visit and New Ed-tech Collaboration

by CourseNetworking - March 10, 2022

The CourseNetworking (CN) team is thrilled to announce a new collaboration between CN and the University of Eswatini along with the Royal Science Technology Park! Our new partners ...

New IUPUI CyberLab Webinar Series on eLearning Innovation and Best Practices

by CourseNetworking - May 11, 2021

The IUPUI CyberLab and CourseNetworking (CN) started a new, free webinar series last month on elearning innovation and best practices. Each webinar focuses on specific innovative use of ...

Deep Integration of ePortfolio Initiatives at IUPUI: Q&A with Amy Powell, IUPUI Executive Director of ePortfolio

by CourseNetworking - December 01, 2020

At the 2020 Assessment Institute, hosted virtually by IUPUI, both CourseNetworking and the IUPUI CyberLab were Platinum Sponsors...

Dr. Ian McIntosh Presents his use of CN for a Virtual Exchange Program at the 2020 Assessment Institute

by Jillian Crist - November 10, 2020

Dr. Ian McIntosh , one of CN guest speakers at the 2020 Assessment Institute , is Director of International Partnerships at IUPUI and an Adj...

IUPUI CyberLab Released the Rumi Digital Personal Assistant; Bringing AI into the Learning Management System

by Jillian Crist - October 22, 2020

Today, IUPUI CyberLab announced the release of its latest research and development project called Rumi Agent. Rumi is a digital personal a...

The 2020 Assessment Institute Hosted By IUPUI

by Jillian Crist - October 22, 2020

The 2020 Assessment Institute Conference , hosted by Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) and held virtually this ye...

Urban STEM Collaboratory Demonstrates Online Student Engagement via CourseNetworking (CN)

by CourseNetworking - July 29, 2020

"The Urban STEM Collaboratory is an NSF-supported collaborative project led by the University of Memphis (UofM)...

Purdue Polytechnic High School introduces ‘ePortfolio Defense’ for students

by Allie Wigginton - April 23, 2020

What happens when you hand high school students the opportunity to work with an ePortfolio? CourseNetworking had the chance to find out...

CN Announces CN Social LTI Free to Sakai and Moodle LMS Users

by Jillian Crist - April 10, 2020

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and an abrupt and widespread shift into online learning, CourseNetworking has decided to offer CN So...

ANGEL Learning Blog Series - Past Project from our very own Dr. Ali Jafari

by Jillian Crist - March 20, 2020

This blog will depict the story of our own founder and CEO, Dr. Ali Jafari and his journey in the EdTech world with an infamous past proj...

Why a 'Social' LMS is Important in the Time of COVID19 Mandated E-learning

by Allie Wigginton - March 17, 2020

We've all heard news story after news story about COVID19. In recent news, fears of the virus spreading further have caused most schools...

ePortfolio: A Self-Branding Tool for Students

by Allie Wigginton - February 12, 2020

Ali Jafari Professor, Entrepreneur Companies are no longer the only entities that distinguish and differentiate...

Please Welcome -- The CN V5

by Jillian Crist - February 7, 2020

The CN team has started 2020 with a brand-new version, where we have added new techniques for everyone to try. Our recent update has been...

Why do students need a CN ePortfolio when they could use LinkedIn®?

by Allie Wigginton - January 27, 2020

Q . Why do students need a CN ePortfolio when they could use LinkedIn®?
A . We get this question a lot! See our answer & rea...

Student ePortfolio Insights Post-Graduation

by Allie Wigginton - November 13, 2019

During the 2019 Assessment Institute, Dr. Elizabeth Goering and her three former students, Maddie Brichacek, Tori Reed, and M...

IUPUI Communication Studies Program Uses CN ePortfolio to Track Student Competencies

by Allie Wigginton - September 9, 2019

CN has many users of diverse disciplines and backgrounds using ePortfolio for a variety of purposes. One great use case of ePortfolio reside...

IU Kelley Business Faculty uses CN to Complement Study Abroad Program

by Allie Wigginton - July 30, 2019

CN has many applications, however, one great use case is that of IU Kelley School of Business Professor, Lin Zheng. Dr. Zheng uses CN to c...

IUPUI Minority Engineering Advancement Program (MEAP) uses CN to engage high school students in STEM

by Allie Wigginton - July 02, 2019

About MEAP The School of Engineering and Technology at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis ( IUPUI ) has deliver...

A case of excellent high school ePortfolio use: Purdue Polytechnic High School

by Allie Wigginton - March 01, 2019

Purdue Polytechnic High School (PPHS) is one of our most innovative school licensees. They are one of the first completely competency-base...

Upgrade to a CN Premium Account Today

by Allie Wigginton - January 31, 2019

Take your professionalism to the next level by unlocking exclusive CN ePortfolio features with the NEW CN Premium Account! For a limited ti...

New and improved CN ePortfolio

by Allie Wigginton - December 17, 2018

Released just last week, the new CN ePortfolio sports an intuitive UI and brings a variety of exciting features. These features include new...

UNESCO INTEI virtual conference held on CN, facilitated by Kappa Delta Pi

by Allie Wigginton - December 14, 2018

The UNESCO International Network of Teacher Education Institutions (INTEI) held their biennial meeting on November 13-15, 2018. The group t...